CMYK Vs RGB Colour
The CMYK and RGB colour models are essential tools in the world of design, printing and digital media, but they’re tailored for very different uses.
The CMYK and RGB colour models are essential tools in the world of design, printing and digital media, but they’re tailored for very different uses.
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The international paper size standard ISO 216 was adopted in Europe in the 19th century and is now used in almost all countries.
Collating is the process that brings a number of printed webs together to make multi-part forms and unit sets. Collators fasten, punch, number, perforate, apply self-seal and do special folding.
Wide-format is generally accepted to be any computer-controlled printing machine that support a print width of 18” to 100”.
In both of these imposition schemes, one side of the job is printed onto one side of the sheet, which is then rotated to print the other side.